

Defence of duffers drift

a short 1904 book by Major General Sir Ernest Dunlop Swinton. It purports to be a series of six dreams by “Lieutenant Backsight Forethought” about the defence of a river crossing in the Boer War. The infantry tactics in the early dreams are disastrous, but each time BF learns something until in the final defence he is successful.

Originally published in the U.S. in Infantry Journal , now Army, April 1905.

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A classic in small unit tactics in the British and U.S. Army, this book is recommended, without qualification, for the modern professional soldier.

What would you do?

Lieutenant Backsight Forethought (BF to his friends) has been left in command of a 50-man reinforced platoon to hold Duffer’s Drift, the only ford on the Silliassvogel River available to wheeled traffic. Here is his chance for fame and glory. He has passed his officer courses and special qualifications.

“Now if they had given me a job like fighting the Battle of Waterloo…or Bull Run, I knew all about that, as I had crammed it up….”

While BF’s task appears simple enough, the Boer enemy causes a multitude of problems, but you, astute reader, with a sharp mind and quick intellect, will no doubt, solve the problem before the first shot is fired.

About the Author

Major General Sir Earnest D. Swinton, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., was a noted English soldier, author and professor. Considered by Field Marshal Earl Wavell as one of the most far-sighted officers the British Army has produced, he wrote before World War I on the effects of air warfare, mining and of psychological warfare. In 1914, Sir Swinton completely revolutionized warfare by his invention of the tank; he, more than anyone else, was responsible for its introduction and development.

by Bassano, vintage print, 1917

Major General Sir Earnest D. Swinton

He served as Professor of Military History at Oxford from 1925 to 1939, and later as Commandant of the Royal Tank Corps from 1934 to 1938 – earning the rank of Major General.

As a Captain, shortly after service in the Boer War, he wrote The Defence of Duffer’s Drift, using the pseudonym, Lieutenant Backsight Forethought, or BF. Duffer’s Drift has become a military classic on minor tactics in this century. In addition to Duffer’s Drift, and contributing to many journals, he authored The Green Curve in 1909 and The Great Tab Dope in 1915, under the pseudonym O’le Luk-Oie (Olaf shut-eye). His other works include The Study Of War in 1926 and his final publication, An Eastern Odyssey written in 1935.

Background on The Boer War 1899-1902

The Boers, Dutch for farmer, first settled what is now Cape Province, Republic of South Africa in 1652. After Great Britain annexed this territory in 1806, many of the Boers departed on the “Great Trek” and created the Republic of Natal, the Orange Free State, and the Transvaal. Gradual commercial control by the British and discovery of gold and diamonds, among other things, served to create hostility between the Boers and British, resulting in the South African War or Boer War from 1899 to 1902.

The Boers initially outnumbered the British and were well equipped, scoring impressive victories in the areas adjacent to their territories. Even though the Boer armies finally surrendered, apparent victory for the British was retarded by extensive and coordinated guerilla warfare. The war was finally ended by the systematic destruction of the Boer guerrilla units and hostilities were terminated by the Treaty of Vereeniging in May 1902. The Boer territories were annexed by Great Britain and were organized into the Union of South Africa eight years later.

Download The Defence of Duffer’s Drift.

Boer War hero’s haunting photos unearthed

Boer War hero’s haunting photos unearthed showing slain enemies, a British serviceman’s funeral and troops among the rubble

Incredible pictures have been unearthed in Derbyshire more than a century after the war’s end

The never-before-seen pictures, including photographs of bodies on the battlefield, were discovered in a time capsule created by Robert Oliver. They also show the funeral of a British serviceman and a Boer War dog.

Mr Oliver fought in the conflict, which started in 1899 and ended in 1902, and was awarded the Queens medal for South Africa after fighting in Cape Colony, the Orange Free State, the Transvaal and South Africa in 1901 and 1902.

After leaving the army he moved to Staffordshire where he joined the county’s police force.

His capsule of memorabilia, which was discovered in a house in Derby by auctioneer Charles Hanson, also includes medals, hats and gloves.

Mr Oliver’s collection forms part of a Militaria sale, which will be held on July 25 and could fetch up to £1,000.

Mr Hanson said: “The collection is quite remarkable since it contains two pairs of original kid gloves, spurs, an ammunition bandolier, caps and hats, Queens and Kings South African medals.

“It also contains a glazed portrait of Robert Oliver, a photo album of unpublished personal photos of the war, a powder flask, cap badges, an original South African feathered headdress, a cartridge belt and other items.

“It really is quite an archive. We know from the family that Robert Oliver was quite a rogue in his youth. At the age of 16, he ran away, ending up on a ship to Canada where he found work as a lumberjack.

“He later joined Staffordshire Police and our client’s memory of him was that he was funny but firm and strict. Later in life he became a landlord, owning the Devonshire pub in Hartington.

“The photographs, never seen publicly before, comprise amazing images of a war which took a horrific number of lives.

“They include pictures of a Boer War dog, an observation balloon at Ladysmith and General Buller.

“There are also images of Boers and their homes, together with graphic images recording the harsh reality, and true horror, of war – something the Victorian press did not portray at the time, as the British Empire was deemed undefeatable.

“Britain went into the Boer War over confident and under prepared. The Boers were well armed and these guerrilla fighters carried out surprise attacks on the British, as, without uniforms, they blended easily into the farmlands which also provided hiding places for supplies and horses.

“The archive, which is almost 120 years old, provides a fascinating record of these battles. Lasting two years and eight months, the Boer War resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, with 22,000 British lives lost.

“Although the collection has a guide price of £400 to £600, we think it may make up to £1,000. The images, objects, ephemera, uniform and equipment really highlight the difficulties of war carried out long before technology came to the fore.”