

Die Konsentrasiekamp Lied (British consentration camps)

Song by Boer singers Frans & Cathy Maritz, played regularly on to commemorate the 24 000 Boer children( 50% of the Boer Child Population Killed ) and 3 000 Boer women who were murdered by the British during the Anglo Boer War. (1899 – 1902) when England laid her hands on the mineral riches of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (Transvaal), under the false pretence of protecting the rights of the foreigners and Cape-Dutch(Afrikaners) who swarmed to the Transvaal gold fields. The Orange Free State also suffered the same fate.

On the battlefield England failed to get the better of the Boers, with 500,000 troops against only 18,000 Boer fighters during the last 18 months of the war, they could only kill 3,000 fighting Boer’s, and decided to stoop to a full-scale war against the Boer children.

The British then employed a holocaust to force the burghers to surrender.

During this war the British suffered their most devastating war ever in their history and were about to loose this war, which would have made them the laughing stock of the world, and then they turned to one of the first genocide programs in modern history, they killed 50% of the Boer’s Children.

50% ! ! !

50% of the Boer Child population was killed by the British in the concentration camps, one of the worlds worst Holocausts, and the truth has been hidden for 105 years.

Why ? How ? Who is to blame ? Should they be prosecuted in the World Court ?

This war was started even though Gen Butler(1899) reported the lies of Alfred Milner and Cecil Rhodes to the British Royal House and Parliament, who is to blame ?

With this song we, the Boer’s, take a look at the suppression of the Boer Nation for 105 years, and the hidden facts of the Concentration Camps, after the Boer’s freedom and sovereignty was taken away by an act of war by the British during 1899-1902. (see article 7 of 1902 treaty)

The only solution for a safe and secure Southern Africa in the future will be the re-instatement of the Boer republics, and the British especially need to heed these words.

Afrikanerhart – Bok van Blerk


In fire and blood do I find myself now
As every boer and child and wife
A superior power now rules our land
Stand armed to the teeth
Its shadow falls like a dark cloud
Over the future of our people
And if we don’t fight we will perish
At Magersfontein, at Magersfontein, at Magersfontein
Do we draw the line

Come dutch farmer warriors, be heroes now
The day of reckoning is here
The enemy is running over our fields
Stand your ground against canon fire
The English soldiers (kakies) want to defeat our people
Promise pain and sorrow
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through
But if you shoot, shoot me through my Afrikaner heart

If you ask me, I will tell you
How the roots of my heart lie
If you ask me, I will show you
It’s my soil here in my fist
Even if hell breaks loose behind us
And even if heaven falls down
Keep the line and stand your man
It is here where we can stop them
Stand firm Zuid Africa
Stand firm Zuid Africa


In vuur en bloed vind ek my nou
Soos elke boer en kind en vrou
‘n Oormag kwyl nou oor ons land
Staan gewapen tot die tand
Sy skadu val ‘n donker wolk
Oor die toekoms van ons volk
En veg ons nie sal ons verdwyn
By Magersfontein, by Magersfontein, by Magersfontein
Trek ons die lyn

Kom boerekrygers wees nou helde
Die dag van rekenskap is hier
Die Vyand jaag nou oor ons velde
Staan jou man teen kanon se vuur

Die kakies wil ons volk verower
Belowe pyn en smart
Maar as jy skiet, skiet my deur
As jy skiet, skiet my deur
As jy skiet, skiet my deur
My Afrikanerhart

As jy my vra sal ek jou sê
Hoë diep my hart se wortels lê
As jy my vra sal ek jou wys
Dis my grond hier in my vuis

Kom boerekrygers wees nou helde
Die dag van rekenskap is hier
Die Vyand jaag nou oor ons velde
Staan jou man teen kanon se vuur

Die kakies wil ons volk verower
Belowe pyn en smart
Maar as jy skiet, skiet my deur
As jy skiet, skiet my deur
As jy skiet, skiet my deur
My Afrikanerhart

Al breek die hel hier agter ons los
En al stort die hemel neer
Hou jou lyn en staan jou man
Dis hier waar ons hul kan keer
Staan vas Staan vas Suid-Afrika
Staan vas Staan vas Suid-Afrika

Kom boerekrygers wees nou helde
Die dag van rekenskap is hier
Die Vyand jaag nou oor ons velde
Staan jou man teen kanon se vuur

Die kakies wil ons volk verower
Belowe pyn en smart
Maar as jy skiet, skiet my deur
As jy skiet, skiet my deur
As jy skiet, skiet my deur
My Afrikanerhart

Ja as jy skiet, skiet my deur
As jy skiet, skiet my deur
My Afrikanerhart