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Namaqualand monument honours Concordia town heroes

Bravery comes in many forms, that’s the message punted at the unveiling of a monument to honour the Concordia town guard.

The men refused to be drawn into the South African War, a conflict between the British and the Boers.

The history books are filled with men and women and their brave acts on the battlefield.

The monument at Concordia in the Namaqualand honours 110 men who did the opposite when they refused to fight.

Initially labelled as cowards but the men refused an order to join British troops against the Boers who had stormed into nearby Okiep in the Namaqualand.

Instead the men chose to protect their families. More than a century later, the history books have been rewritten.

The monument bares the names of the 110 men. Descendant Denvor Cloete says: “My father taught me the victor is the person who walks from a fight.”

The monument was constructed by locals and the movie about the Concordia town guard is in the pipeline.

Namaqualand monument honours Concordia town heroes

Namaqualand monument honours Concordia town heroes

